Article - Springtime Lovin'
It's Springtime again and Love is In The Air!!
The winters here in Florida are relatively mild, so with the first warm days of April I noticed the toads and tree frogs were back in full force. Nightly 'serenades' that almost kept me awake at night, and daytime rendezvous' in all the cozy corners and hideouts.
These playful little critters absolutely LOVE the pond we put in, and flock here from all over the neighborhood, to swim and play in the pond.
They also seem to like to make tadpoles here, which is ok, as long as I can keep them to a manageable level.
The fish don't seem to mind them, and the frogs are pretty quick on their own, so I don't think it's much of a problem. I snapped these photos last week, during the morning hours, after a loud and active night out at the pond.